IN THIS INQUISITIVE Q&A series, we get personal with Hosana Fieber. As Chief Executive Officer of Tervis, she runs the day-to-day operations of the company, creating and driving a strategic plan for the organization. Pull up a café chair and enjoy a slice of pizza with Hosana at her favorite pizzeria in Venice.

A recent day in the life? My day begins with a 6 am alarm clock and I start making lunches for three of the four kids before they head to school. Once I drop my freshman off at high school, I listen to a podcast as I head into the office. A normal day at Tervis includes back-to-back meetings, but I really enjoy taking a break now and again to walk around the floor to touch base with our team members. I’m back on the road in the afternoon to pick up my daughter from school and from there, I head to my home office. I’m known for working long and late hours, but no matter how busy my schedule is, I always find time to take my kids to their various activities. If I have some free time, I like to end the day with an evening walk or curling up with a good book.

Your favorite virtue is . . . Actually, I have two — honesty and generosity. I strive to embody these qualities and I also appreciate seeing them in others.

When you were a kid you dreamed of  . . . From early childhood to freshman year of college, my dream was to become a pediatrician. Anyone who knew me knew my career aspirations, but once I started fainting in my biology classes, I quickly realized the medical field was not in my future!

Your guilty pleasure  . . . Watching television. I love a good murder documentary, but surprisingly, I’m terrified of scary movies. 

Thought you had driving to work this morning . .The immense gratitude I have for my family. We’re currently planning a quinceañera for my daughter and I’m overjoyed that so many of our family members will be driving or flying to celebrate with us.

Your favorite villains in fiction . . . The Joker and Harley Quinn. They are so animated and committed to each other, making them a great team.

My last supper would include . . .  a slice of pizza from Angelo’s in Venice and a cup of coffee. 

Words you use too often . . .  Absolutely and totally.

With two more hours in the day, I would . . . practice yoga. It’s slipped down on my to- do list, but I’d love to make it a priority again.

Your favorite music artists . . .Jack Johnson, Elton John, Jason Aldean, almost anything from the 90s and salsa music, especially Marc Anthony. 

If not yourself, who would you be? Reese Witherspoon. Not only does she have an incredible public persona, but I also just absolutely adore her. She is a great example of an entrepreneur that doesn’t sway her ethical boundaries with what fame looks like.

Which cartoon character best represents your personal philosophy? Mirabel from the Encanto movie. She is imperfect, but empathetic, and determined to prove that she belongs. She keeps a level head and doesn’t make everything about her.

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button in your life? Pause button. I don’t think we do enough of the “taking in the moment” while we’re in the “moment”. 

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be? Michelle Obama for her level head and family values, Bob Iger for the way he has dealt with adversity at Disney and Howard Schultz for his tenacity and ambition. If I could have a fourth guest, it would be Keanu Reeves because I love his humbleness.  

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done? Continuing to climb up the career ladder. Accepting a higher position, such as the CEO of Tervis, was incredibly nerve-wracking.

Your favorite food of the moment is . . .  stuffed shells made by my husband. He is a great cook, and because we have small children, eating out is very rare! 

What song best describes your life right now? Crazy Town by Jason Aldean.

In our hometown, we do too much construction and too little appreciation for what the younger generation will bring to Sarasota.

You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it, what would it be? Love.